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9 signs you’re much kinder than the average person


There’s a lot to be said about kindness. It’s more than just being nice to people, it’s about empathy, understanding, and genuine care.

Truly kind people are not always easy to spot, as their acts are often subtle and they don’t draw attention to themselves.

However, there are some clear signs that can help you understand if you’re much kinder than the average person. It’s about what you do, how you react and the way you treat others.

In this article, we will delve into these signs that highlight your extraordinary kindness.

1) You always empathize

The cornerstone of kindness, according to psychology, is the ability to empathize.

Empathy is all about being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand their feelings and perspective. It’s about experiencing the world as they do.

Kind people have a heightened ability for empathy. They don’t just sympathize – they genuinely feel for others. This trait allows them to connect on a deeper level and offer help or support that is truly meaningful.

If you find yourself always trying to understand where people are coming from, even when their views are different from yours, congratulations! You are likely kinder than the average person.

Empathy isn’t just about understanding – it’s also about acting on that understanding in a compassionate way.

So if you’re not just understanding, but also taking action to help and support others based on your understanding of their feelings, you’re displaying a clear sign of exceptional kindness.

2) You go out of your way to help others

This is another big indicator of kindness – going above and beyond to lend a helping hand.

Let me share a personal example. Last winter, there was an elderly neighbor who lived a few houses down from mine.

During a particularly heavy snowfall, I noticed that her driveway was still covered in snow while the others had been shoveled. Without a second thought, I got my snow shovel and cleared her driveway.

I didn’t do it for any recognition or reward. It just felt like the right thing to do. I knew she would struggle with it herself and I had the capacity to help, so I did.

If you find yourself doing similar acts of kindness, not for any personal gain but simply because you see someone in need and have the ability to help, you’re definitely kinder than the average person. It’s these selfless acts that really set kind-hearted individuals apart.

3) You practice active listening

Active listening is a skill that kind individuals often excel in. It’s more than just hearing what someone is saying, it’s about truly understanding and showing interest in their words.

When you listen actively, you don’t interrupt or wait for your turn to speak. Instead, you focus on the speaker, respond appropriately, and remember what was said.

Did you know that our brains process words at a rate of 800 words per minute, but the average person only speaks at a rate of 125-150 words per minute?

This leaves a lot of room for our minds to wander when we’re listening to someone else speak.

Kind people use this gap to focus more deeply on what the speaker is saying, rather than letting their minds wander. They use non-verbal cues like nodding and maintaining eye contact to show their engagement.

If you’re someone who truly listens when others speak, chances are high that you’re a lot kinder than the average person.

4) You’re not quick to judge

It’s easy to form snap judgments about people based on limited information. It’s a common human flaw, but one that kind-hearted people often resist.

If you’re the type who gives others the benefit of the doubt, tries to understand their circumstances before forming an opinion, and refrains from hasty judgments based on superficial characteristics, then you’re showing a strong sign of kindness.

Rather than judging, kind people choose to understand and accept.

They recognize that everyone has their own journey, their own struggles, and their own strengths. They choose empathy over judgment, and understanding over stereotypes.

This open-mindedness and acceptance is a clear indication of kindness and makes you stand out from the average person who may be quick to judge.

5) You’re generous with your time

Time is one of the most precious commodities we have. How you choose to spend it says a lot about you as a person.

Kind people often choose to spend their time helping others. They don’t see it as a waste, but rather an opportunity to make a difference. Whether it’s volunteering at a local charity, helping a friend move house, or spending time with a lonely elderly relative, they give their time generously.

This isn’t always easy in our busy world. There’s always something that needs doing, another task that needs checking off the list. But if you’re someone who regularly puts aside your own needs and gives your time to others, then you’re showing a real sign of kindness.

It’s worth noting that kindness isn’t always about grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s simply about giving someone the gift of your time and full attention.

6) You’re sensitive to other people’s feelings

Being kind isn’t just about your actions, it’s also about your sensitivity towards others.

Imagine a friend who is going through a tough time. They might not say it outright, but you notice the subtle changes in their behavior. The slight dip in their voice, the lack of sparkle in their eyes, the way they’re not quite as quick to laugh as usual.

Rather than ignoring these signs or brushing them off, you approach your friend. You ask if they’re okay and provide a comforting presence, letting them know they’re not alone.

This sensitivity to others’ emotions, this willingness to be there for them when they’re hurting, is a powerful sign of kindness.

It shows that you’re not just aware of your own feelings, but also deeply attuned to the emotions of those around you.

And this emotional sensitivity isn’t about pity or sympathy; it’s about genuine empathy and a heartfelt desire to alleviate someone else’s pain. This is what sets truly kind individuals apart from the average person.

7) You forgive easily

Holding onto grudges is easy.

Letting go and forgiving, on the other hand, requires a lot more strength and kindness.

I remember a time when someone very close to me hurt me deeply. It was a betrayal that left me feeling lost and angry. But as time passed, I realized that holding onto this resentment was only causing me more pain.

So, I made the conscious decision to forgive. It wasn’t about forgetting what happened or excusing their actions. Rather, it was about releasing the bitterness and making room for peace, growth, and happiness.

If you’re someone who chooses forgiveness over resentment, you’re displaying a high level of kindness. It takes a strong and kind heart to forgive, to understand that people make mistakes, and to not let these mistakes define your relationship with them.

Forgiveness is not about letting others off the hook for their wrongdoings; it’s about freeing yourself from the burden of resentment. And if you’re able to do this, you’re definitely kinder than the average person.

8) You celebrate others’ successes

In a world that often fosters competition and comparison, being genuinely happy for others’ achievements is a clear sign of kindness.

Kind people don’t see success as a zero-sum game. They understand that someone else’s win doesn’t mean a loss for them. Instead, they celebrate with them, applauding their accomplishments and sharing in their joy.

If you’re someone who feels genuine happiness when others succeed, and you express this happiness openly, then you’re showing a beautiful sign of kindness.

Your ability to rejoice in others’ success says less about their achievements, and more about your capacity for love and generosity. It’s a reflection of your kind heart and your ability to rise above petty jealousy and competitiveness. This trait certainly sets you apart from the average person.

9) You practice kindness even when it’s hard

The true test of kindness is how you behave when it’s difficult to be kind.

Perhaps you’re tired, stressed, or dealing with your own problems. It’s in these moments, when being kind is the last thing on your mind, that your true character shines through.

If even in these hard times, you find the strength within yourself to treat others with kindness and respect, then you are truly kinder than the average person.

Anyone can be kind when it’s easy. It takes a truly kind-hearted individual to maintain their kindness even when faced with challenges. This unwavering dedication to kindness is what makes you exceptional.

Final reflection: Kindness is a choice

The depth of human expression and qualities often tie back to our personal decisions and the choices we make daily.

One such choice is the decision to be kind. It may not always be the easiest path, but it’s a path that leads to a richer, more fulfilling life.

In the words of renowned psychologist Carl Rogers, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

This acceptance extends not only to ourselves but also to others. It’s in this acceptance, understanding, and empathy that true kindness lies.

Whether it’s lending a hand to someone in need, forgiving a past hurt, or celebrating another’s success, these acts of kindness aren’t just about the person on the receiving end.

hey’re also about you – your growth, your character, and your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.
