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This part’s all about legal responsibility between you and the corp. Gotta know where ya both stand, right?

Despite best efforts, sometimes a piece of preem tech like this doesn’t always work like you want it to — even after testing and all that good stuff.

The corpo’s pretty clear that it ain’t responsible to you for how Cyberpunk 2077 works, and it ain’t making any legally binding promises to you about this sort of thing in general.

But if things get *really* screwed up and you’re at fault for a real serious breach in this Agreement, then you’ll be asked to “indemnify” them. Fancy corpo word meanin’ you’ll be asked to compensate them financially in case somethin’ big goes down. So try not to breach anything, is my advice.

Okay, got some extra info here: these provisions don’t apply to people living in the EU or other applicable countries.


Wanna end the Agreement for good? Easy, just stop playing Cyberpunk 2077. From my experience, corpos never usually let ya just walk away clean, so this is a pretty preem deal if you ask me.

If you go acting like a gonk and seriously breach this Agreement, then you can say goodbye to your access to Cyberpunk 2077 (temporarily or permanently). That’d suck, so just play it smart and keep it clean.

This probably won’t happen, but just in case it does and Cyberpunk 2077 stops working for good, then you’ll be told before it happens.


Third rule of the streets: S**t happens.

It’s an unpredictable world out there. Anything crazy and unexpected happens, (war, earthquake, flood, rogue AIs overthrowing the human race an’ subjugating us all etc. — okay that last one’s a joke... I hope…) then neither you nor the corpo will be held accountable when these obligations can’t be performed. Like I said; s**t happens.


Legally, any questions/complaints or claims you have about this Agreement fall under Polish law. That goes for everyone on the planet — unless you live in the United States of America, that is. If that’s you, then you fall under California law instead. Ain’t you special?


Got any concerns or issues? Talk to Cyberpunk 2077 support. They’ll talk it out with you and, ideally, resolve the issue without having to resort to a legal pursuit. Y’know, I wish we had this type of option in Night City…

Oh, and here’s their address: https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/

IMPORTANT: Another country-specific wrinkle. If ya live in the United States of America, this section involves you and the company agreeing to ‘mandatory arbitration’ — so settling things without involving the courts. If ya live in any other country, then this arbitration process flips from ‘mandatory’ to ‘optional’.

Depending on where you live, you and the corpo agree not to bring class action, or other collective legal action with your choombas, against each other. Legal issues will be handled by following the process written in the corpo text opposite.


Okay, pretty simple stuff here. This whole section’s talkin’ ‘bout some more rules for the Agreement. Nothin’ to get excited about, just some extra self-explanatory info some suits wanted to put in. They always gotta add somethin’, right?


Fourth rule of the streets: everything changes. This Agreement might change somewhere down the line, but if it does, the updated version will be put on the Net for all to see. The changes will come into force not long after they tell you about ‘em. Ya ain’t gonna get taken by surprise, ‘kay?

If ya got somethin’ ya wanna ask about these changes, go ahead and contact legal@cdprojektred.com — they love to hear about that sorta stuff.

Important: please remember that the full text version is what’s legally binding – the quick summary on the right is just to help you understand the legally binding version better.

Have a blast in Night City, choomba.
