
Last updated: December 10, 2020

Hello and thanks for your interest in Cyberpunk 2077! We have created this Agreement to explain what you can (and cannot) do with Cyberpunk 2077. We put it together as simply as we can legally, with some informal short summaries to help you understand what it means. The short summaries on the right have been handled by a Night City native, a real cyberpunk who knows what’s what when it comes to translating legal-speak. But, just so you know, it’s the full text on the left that’s important/legally binding.


1. This is a legal agreement between you, dear gamer, and us, i.e. CD PROJEKT RED, regarding Cyberpunk 2077.

2. We grant you the right to play Cyberpunk 2077 and we sincerely hope you will enjoy it. We spent several years working on it, so let us add that it is our creation and remains our intellectual property. This won’t limit you in having fun with it though, will it? ;)

3. In this Agreement you’ll find examples of things we ask you not to do with Cyberpunk 2077. There are also necessary legal matters around things like arbitration and liability and whatever else lawyers need (but we try to be as fair as we can).

4. We love what our fans make, so we made some Fan Content Guidelines [https://cdprojektred.com/fan-content] to help show what’s OK and what isn’t. Just to be clear for all of you doing Let’s Plays and streams, we’re totally fine with these (including you monetizing them) as long as you follow our Fan Content Guidelines [https://cdprojektred.com/fan-content] (e.g. please do not put them behind paywalls).

5. We want to be clear with you about what data we do/don’t collect and what we use it for, and we take it seriously, so please check out our Privacy Policy [https://regulations.cdprojektred.com/privacy_policy].

6. We may update this Agreement in the future, and when we do we will post an updated version online. We’re not huge fans of rules but if you go BIG time against these, you may lose access to the game (temporarily or permanently). We’re sure everything will be fine, but the legal folks said the point has to be there.



1.1 This Agreement. This End User Licence Agreement (or “Agreement” for short) is a legally binding contract between you and CD PROJEKT S.A., seated at ul. Jagiellońska 74; 03-301, Warsaw, Poland.

Just so you know, CD PROJEKT RED is the name of the game development studio within CD PROJEKT S.A., so we will refer to ourselves throughout this Agreement as “CD PROJEKT RED”, “we” or “us”.

This Agreement applies to our video game Cyberpunk 2077, including game keys/codes (we will refer to “Cyberpunk 2077” or the “game” to cover all of these things).

1.2 Acceptance. This Agreement will be binding on you and us once you download, install or use Cyberpunk 2077 (whichever is sooner). If you do not agree to it, you are not permitted to download, install or use Cyberpunk 2077.

1.3 Other Documents. Please make sure you also read our: (a) Fan Content Guidelines [https://cdprojektred.com/fan-content] - which explain what you can and cannot do with content derived from or based on Cyberpunk 2077; (b) general CD PROJEKT RED User Agreement [https://regulations.cdprojektred.com/user_agreement] - which covers general legal matters relating to things like customer and technical support, official forums, wikis, blogs and social media services; and (c) CD PROJEKT RED Privacy Policy [https://regulations.cdprojektred.com/privacy_policy] – which details CD PROJEKT RED’s collection, usage and protection of your personal information. All of these documents form part of this Agreement and we may update these from time to time. You may also need to agree and follow terms and conditions of any digital distribution platforms which you use to download and play Cyberpunk 2077, such as our awesome sister company GOG.


2.1 Age Restrictions. Cyberpunk 2077 has minimum age ratings (e.g. PEGI, ESRB) which may differ depending on where you are located and will be displayed when you purchase Cyberpunk 2077. You must only play Cyberpunk 2077 if you are above such minimum age rating. If you are above such minimum age rating and you are: (a) over 18 (or whatever is the age of adulthood in your country) - then welcome to Cyberpunk 2077; or (b) between 17-18 (or whatever is the age of adulthood in your country) - before we extend an equally warm welcome, please ask your parent or guardian to review and approve this Agreement on your behalf (because in some countries people under a certain age cannot legally enter fully into contracts like this Agreement), plus they should supervise your use of Cyberpunk 2077. If you are under 17 or the applicable minimum age rating in your country, you are not allowed to download, play or use Cyberpunk 2077. We look forward to welcoming you to Night City at some point in the future though!

2.2 Content Warning. Cyberpunk 2077 contains scenes and images of violence, sexuality, and drug use that some may find disturbing. If you are sensitive to such content or such content is a trigger for you, please be aware of this before you begin playing the game.


3.1 Licence. CD PROJEKT RED gives you a personal, limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-assignable licence to display, view, download, install, play and use Cyberpunk 2077 on your personal computer, games console and/or other devices/platforms that are explicitly authorised by CD PROJEKT RED (the list of which is available here [https://www.cyberpunk.net/]), depending on the particular device/system/platform you purchased the game for. This licence is for your personal use only (so you cannot give, ‘sell’, lend, gift, assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer it to someone else) and does not give you any ownership rights in Cyberpunk 2077.

3.2 Seizure Warning. Cyberpunk 2077 may contain flashing lights and images, which may induce epileptic seizures. If you or anyone in your household has an epileptic condition, please consult your doctor before playing Cyberpunk 2077. If you experience dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions while playing, immediately discontinue use and consult your doctor.


4.1 Minimum Requirements. Cyberpunk 2077 has minimum requirements depending on your chosen device/system/platform, which you will be notified of on the applicable Cyberpunk 2077 store page. Please make sure you meet these requirements before purchasing the game! There is no DRM or copy-protection of any kind in Cyberpunk 2077, but some device/system/platform manufacturers use security technology which is outside of our control.

4.2 Monitoring. In order to improve your in-game experience, prevent things prohibited by section 7 below, protect the integrity of Cyberpunk 2077, and enforce this Agreement, we may deploy software tools that run in the background of your device or related devices/peripherals when you use Cyberpunk 2077. Some of these software tools will be optional and we will only deploy them where you have agreed to it. If we need to introduce any mandatory software tools though then we will tell you about them first (e.g. in-game or via the Cyberpunk 2077 website). You can find more details about this in our Privacy Policy.


We may (but are not obliged to) patch, update or change Cyberpunk 2077 over time (for example to add or remove features, to resolve software bugs or to balance the game). This will result in mandatory and/or automatic updates and older, non-updated versions may become unusable over time. We need these rights in order to keep Cyberpunk 2077 running efficiently and we reserve the right to do this without notice or liability to you.


6.1 Cyberpunk 2077 Ownership. Cyberpunk 2077, including its visual components, characters, storylines, artwork, animations, designs, items, music and sound effects, dialogue, graphics, computer code, user interface, look and feel, game mechanics, gameplay, audio, video, text, layout, databases, data and all other content and all Intellectual Property Rights (defined below) and other legal and exploitation rights regarding them, are either owned by CD PROJEKT RED or we license them from third parties. All rights in Cyberpunk 2077 are reserved except as we have explained in this Agreement. You may not use or exploit any part of Cyberpunk 2077 except as explained in this Agreement and our Fan Content Guidelines. Cyberpunk 2077 and its Intellectual Property Rights are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws worldwide.

“Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all copyright, trademarks, service marks, trade dress, brand names, logos, goodwill, get up, trade, business or domain names, design rights, rights in characters, rights in get-up, database rights, patents, rights in inventions, know-how, trade secrets and confidential information, rights in computer software (including source code and object code), moral rights, author rights, publicity rights, performance rights, synchronisation rights, mechanical rights, publishing, rental, lending and transmission rights and other intellectual property and exploitation rights of a similar or corresponding character which may now or in the future subsist in any part of the world, in all cases whether or not registered or registrable including all granted applications and all applications for registration, division, continuation, reissuance, renewals, extensions, restorations and reversions regarding any of the same.

6.2 Third Party Property. CD PROJEKT RED respects the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that your work has been infringed in or via Cyberpunk 2077, please contact us via legal@cdprojektred.com.


There are some more rules to follow if you want to play Cyberpunk 2077. Please read the rules below and the Fan Content Guidelines [https://cdprojektred.com/fan-content], since failure to follow them will be considered a ‘material breach’ of this Agreement, which could lead to suspension and/or termination of your access to Cyberpunk 2077. In particularly serious cases we retain the right to prohibit your future access to Cyberpunk 2077 and our other games and services.

Here are the rules:

a) Personal Enjoyment. Only use Cyberpunk 2077 for your personal enjoyment and not for any commercial purposes, unless explicitly permitted otherwise in our Fan Content Guidelines.

b) Applicable Law. You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using Cyberpunk 2077.

c) No Transfer. Do not attempt to copy, rent, buy, sell, lend, share, lease, sublicense, transfer, distribute, publish or publicly display Cyberpunk 2077 or any of your rights under this Agreement in any way not expressly authorised under this Agreement. Also do not steal or misappropriate game keys/codes (all of which remain our property). If you are concerned that any of this has happened to you, contact https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/.

d) Technical Misuse. Do not modify, merge, distribute, translate, reverse engineer, or attempt to obtain or use source code of, decompile or disassemble Cyberpunk 2077 unless you are specifically allowed by applicable law.

e) Hacking and Cheating. Do not create, use, make available and/or distribute cheats. By cheats we mean things like exploits, automation software, robots, bots, hacks, spiders, spyware, scripts, trainers, extraction tools or other software that interact with or affect Cyberpunk 2077 in any way (including any unauthorised third party programs that collect information about Cyberpunk 2077 by reading areas of memory used by Cyberpunk 2077 to store information).

f) CD PROJEKT RED Services. Do not deliberately or maliciously interrupt or interfere with CD PROJEKT RED services like customer or technical support or impersonate CD PROJEKT RED staff.

g) CD PROJEKT RED IT Systems. Do not deliberately or maliciously interfere with, disrupt or access restricted areas of CD PROJEKT RED or third party network software or servers, including via tunnelling, code injection or insertion, denial of service, modifying or changing the software, using any other similar software together with CD PROJEKT RED software, through protocol emulation, or through creation or use of private servers or any analogous services regarding Cyberpunk 2077.

h) Data Mining. Do not intercept, mine or otherwise collect personal or confidential data or information from Cyberpunk 2077.

i) Names. Do not use ‘CD PROJEKT RED’, ‘CYBERPUNK 2077’ or other CD PROJEKT RED group names or logos or trademarks for any unauthorised purposes.

j) Infringing Content. Do not do anything in connection with Cyberpunk 2077 that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, privacy, publicity, or other rights.

k) Malicious Code. Do not upload any files that contain any malicious code, including viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, intentionally corrupted data, any other files that contain malicious code or that may in any way damage or interfere with the operation of Cyberpunk 2077.

l) Geographic Restrictions. We ask you to follow any applicable geographic or regional, language or location-based restrictions, requirements or rules regarding Cyberpunk 2077.

m) Be nice! Do not do or say anything or use Cyberpunk 2077 in any way that is or may be considered racist, harassing, xenophobic, sexist, discriminatory, abusive, defamatory or otherwise offensive or illegal.
